Lot Surveys
Lot surveys encompass a spectrum of sizes and complexities tailored to the unique needs of property owners. Typically, individuals seek lot surveys to identify property lines, relocate boundaries, or facilitate a straightforward lot split. Whether it's for erecting a wall, installing a fence, or any other purpose necessitating precise property line delineation, our team of land surveyors ensures an accurate identification of the entire property boundary.
At Innovative Land Surveying Inc., our approach to lot surveys is rooted in meticulous research, on-site assessments and measurements, data analysis, and the potential placement of monumentation. This comprehensive process culminates in the creation and submission of a record of survey map and/or corner record, documenting the surveyed property boundaries for official records.
While the fundamental steps remain consistent across lot surveys, each property presents its unique set of challenges. Nonetheless, we embrace these challenges with enthusiasm and expertise, and are committed to delivering reliable and accurate survey results.